Thursday, November 27, 2014

5 things I am thankful for this Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is here! We have worked our way through the year and have finally landed on the gloriously delicious and family oriented holiday. Of course as a kid, Christmas was always favorite. But as I get older I begin to appreciate November 26 a little bit more. It is pure in it's meaning, a special day set aside to gather with those close to you and give thanksgiving for what the universe has brought to you. With that said, I would love to share five things I thank the universe for everyday.

1. Family// I would say after being a father for nearly 40 years, my father has gained so much insight and knowledge about life. I can say the same for my mom. I have the most crazy, fun, movie-quoting siblings a baby sister could ask for. I don't think I've ever seen a group of people "do"themselves more than my family. Definitely made me who I am. Thank you mom and dad for all the opportunities you have given me!

2. Joe// My boyfriend, my rock. Has helped me in ways he probably does not even realize. Cheers to many more thanksgivings with you, my love!

3. Music// Especially a good 60's or 80's tune or anything vinyl. Praise! 

4. Travel Opportunities// This one is also on my parents. They have given me the awesome opportunity to go the Europe for three weeks in high school! Also I will be studying abroad sometime within this next year. Nothing that truly satisfies my soul more than adventuring to new places!

5. The Simple Things// Tea, candles, the cold part of the blanket, plants, post-it notes, working out, etc. These are the things that make my daily life special. I've slowly been learning to focus on the simple things and they help me learn what it really takes to make me happy, and the reality is, it is not much! Something I constantly need to remind myself!

On that note, what are you thankful for?
Hope everyone has a truly wonderful Thanksgiving!


Thursday, November 20, 2014

And She Was gets a makeover

Greeting my lovlies!
So my blog And She Was is getting a makeover! I'm super excited! I am getting a new theme, organizing posts, scheduling what to do when on my blog. The goal is to expand my blog, mature it and reach out to as many people as possible, as well as explore my own creativity! But before I do that, first I am going to give it a make over. I plan on changing things up within the next couple of days. I'm so excited to see where I can take my blog.
Wish me best of luck!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Pura Vida Braclets

Hey Guys!

There has been a company I have been really obsessing over lately and really want to spread the word! So I was scrolling through Facebook recently when I came across a page for a company called Pura Vida. The images that were shown were simple bracelets that looked similar to friendship bracelets. Simplistic and casual. I found the bracelets appealing so I clicked on the link to their store to see what they had. I was very impressed. Now the first thing I noticed that these simple and fun bracelets were only about $5. So naturally I kept looking! Soon I discovered a whole line of bracelets and anklets completely and entirely dedicated to different charities. All you have to do is click on a category: enviro-causes, animal awareness, education + children, cancer awareness, woman's causes, conditions, service + military, and memorial. Within nearly every category you can find a plethora of beautiful yet simple bracelets that give back to society. Say a bracelet is $5, they will donate $1 to which ever charity is paired with the bracelet. So I bought two bracelets,one to help save the honeybees, and another to help benefit the vegan outreach. I dig some more digging and found out that, say you have a club, you can customize and sell them for a fundraiser. Overall, this small online business warms my soul. They help keep local artisans from Costa Rica employed, donate to charities, recycle, and have a creative vibe.

My two bracelets, HoneyLove and Vegan Outreach:)
Let's just say, I know what I am getting my friends and family for Christmas! 
